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About Our Process:

Ursaworks at WashU hosts recruitment events and info sessions to allow students a chance to converse with the team and check out our robots. Provide your contact information on the designated form in order to be notified of important dates and details on the recruitment cycle. The general recruitment period will be submission of application, notification of decision, and trainee period. We will not have a formal interview.


New members will be assigned a list of topics to study and sample problems based on the sub-team they apply for. General topics include: RoboMaster Rule Breakdown, Referee System Integration, and System Engineering Application. Our goal is acclimate students to the rigor of the competition.


Once training is complete, students will be assigned to a sub-system task based on your preferences and proficiencies. We cannot guarantee everyone will get their first choice, but we make an effort to accommodate your interests. We ask for about 10 hours per week, but this can fluctuate depending on key milestones and deadlines. We hold meetings most weekends on Saturdays where our members hang out, share progress, and work together on sub-assemblies.